Transforming Ideas into Businesses
Great ideas are born out of necessity. Everyday people dream up novel solutions to improve their lives and solve their problems. At Bootstrap Advisors, our passion is transforming these ideas into products, brands and businesses. We are not an incubator or just investors, we are transformers. We put our own money, our time, our sweat and our passion into growing ideas into great businesses. Come to us with a great idea and a passion for creating a killer product or fantastic company and we will help make that dream come true!
Simple Solutions to Everyday Problems
We are not engineers or brilliant techies, so we like to stick to the basics. The ideas we transform are simple ones born from kitchen tables and garages, where people encounter everyday problems and figure out their own solutions. Like how to calm their dog down in a Thunderstorm or how to show off their family photo in style: on the outside of the purse. Click here to view more companies.